Environmentally Friendly Pest Control

Integrated Pest Management: The Green Way to Eliminate Pest and Wildlife

For most of the national pest control brands, eliminating intrusive pests and wildlife from your property is a one step process. Unfortunately, that one step involves spraying your home’s baseboards with hazardous chemicals that do just as much harm to yourself, your pets, and the environment.

Beyond being potentially dangerous, this method is simply ineffective. Just spraying the baseboards does nothing to address the underlying causes of an infestation, nor does it eliminate factors that could entice pests to return. Sadly, because it is cheaper, easier and less time-consuming, we’ve all just accepted that spraying chemicals is all anyone can do to eliminate pests.

At Sloan Pest Control, we choose to do things a different way, using a tried-and-tested method that eliminates bugs, seals up their points of entry, and ensures long-lasting protection, all while keeping your family healthy and the ecosystem intact. It’s called being environmentally friendly or what we call “Integrated Pest Management.”

Integrated Pest Management: Thorough, Comprehensive and Safe

In recent years, we’ve seen a massive push toward sustainability – in our businesses, our civic life, and even in our own homes. Integrated Pest Management is how Sloan Pest Control is pushing the pest control industry toward those same goals.

The root of IPM is in developing an understanding of the life cycle, behavior and environmental preferences of the pests in question. This allows us to not only safely remove this pest and wildlife from your property, but to also establish preventative measures that create long-term solutions to your pest problems. All while minimizing the exposure your family and pets have to chemicals.

Working from that understanding, we begin by locating and eliminating the root cause of infestation such as entry points or sources of food and water. Then, we address the existing pest incursion using as many non-chemical intervention methods as possible. When we do have to use pesticides, we ensure that they are used sparingly.

The result is safe, healthy, and comprehensive protection that lasts longer than the traditional “spray-and-pay” method. It may take a little bit more time, but the benefits to your family, the planet, and your home are worth it. And if, in the process, we’re able to push our industry to be better environmental stewards, and show the next generation the importance of sound ecological practices, all the better.

The Sloan Pest Control Difference

Integrated Pest Management is just one way that Sloane Pest Control stands apart from the national brands. Since we first began, our mission has been to not just get the job done, but to get the job done right.

Our experienced staff – who are vetted and background checked far beyond what the national brands do – works just as hard to make sure you’re satisfied as they do to make sure your home is safe and free of pests. Respectful, courteous, and professional, they take as much pride as we do in building a different kind of pest control company.

And what they deliver is different from anything else you’ll receive, with custom pricing that ensures you’re only charged for what you need, flexible scheduling that works with your needs, and customer service that you’ll only find in a locally owned and operated business.

At Sloan Pest Control, we offer free no-obligation pest inspections so you can see the difference that IPM makes in keeping your home safe. From there, we back everything we do with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If pests do return, so will Sloan Pest to make certain they do not come back. Please submit your contact information below to schedule a free, no obligation home inspection.